Thursday 9 January 2014

January Newsletter

Inquiry Projects
This month both classes are exploring the properties of snow by bringing snow into the classroom and investigating it outside!  We will experiment with melting snow and ice and mixing snow with other materials.
Our other area of interest is winter and arctic animals!  The students were excited to see photos of the new baby polar bear at the Toronto Zoo!

This month we will focus on measurement.  The children will explore non-standard (for example, measuring with hands or paper clips) and standard units of measurement (for example, measuring with a thermometer or ruler).  To support this unit at home, try making snow angels outside and measuring the length and width using footprints.  Try it with each family member!  Inviting your child to cook or bake with you is another wonderful opportunity for hands on learning about mathematics!

Important Dates
January 17th – Trip to Forest Valley
January 24th – PA Day (no school)
February 17th – Family Day (no school)
February 20th – Trip to the ROM (information will be sent home soon!)
February 21st – Jump Rope for Heart

Trip to Forest Valley
January 17th – all day!
We are traveling to Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre via school bus!  Please make sure your child is dressed for a day of outdoor fun!  Layers and warm clothes are required.
ALL students (including daycare children) need a waste free lunch and a water bottle.
Parent volunteers are welcome to join us!  Please speak to your classroom teacher or ECE if you are available for the day.

February Report Cards
This term only JK students will receive report cards in February.  As always, you are welcome to contact us at any time for an update on your child’s progress.

Class Pet

We will be welcoming fish into our classrooms this month as our new class pets!  Our first fish will be platys, which are a friendly breed of fish that give live birth!  We look forward to learning about pet care with the children and seeing where their curiosities lead us.

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