Monday 6 January 2014

Class trip to Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre

On Friday, January 17th we will travel by school bus to Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre.

Permission forms and information about this trip were sent home today, Monday January 6th.  If you did not receive a form or require a second one let us know as soon as possible!

The cost is $8 per student.  Please speak to your classroom teacher or ECE if you are unable to pay but would still like your child to attend.

Fortunately the weather is forecast is mild next week!  It is still important to dress warmly for this trip.  Snow pants, snow boots, warm jacket, hat, mittens and scarf are necessary.  Dressing in layers is also ideal for keeping warm (for example, a t-shirt, with a long sleeve cotton shirt, with a sweater over top).

Students will need to bring a waste free lunch (no garbage).  Please send a water bottle in your child's lunch.

We will depart school shortly after arrival and will return before our usual dismissal.

Parent volunteers are needed!  Please let your classroom teacher or ECE know if you are available to travel with us!

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