Tuesday 10 September 2013

September Newsletter

Here's a virtual look at our September newsletter that was sent home with students this week.

Please note the Terry Fox Run date has been changed to September 26th.

Welcome to Roywood!
This is our first year of full day Kindergarten.
Kindergarten hours are:
8:40 – 3:20
Lunch: 11:15 -12:45
Our extended lunch break is a great time to reconnect with your child.  We encourage all families to make arrangements for their child to go home for lunch.

Phys Ed
Each class will visit the gym 3 times per week. Students will require running shoes or other athletic shoe for physical education classes.
Ms. Karailiadis has lots of fun games and activities planned!

Students will visit the music room once each week with Ms. Burdick.

Ms. Sanchez-James will introduce students to a wide variety of literature in the library once each week.

Each week students will work in the computer lab and learn about technology with Ms.Tonoo.

Please send your child with a full sized backpack everyday!  It is important to establish the routine of bringing work and letters home from school! 

Spare Clothing
Accidents happen.  Send a full change of clothing (shirt, pants, underwear, socks) for your child to change into should their clothing become wet.  Spare clothing will be kept in their bags.

Indoor Shoes
Students require a pair of running shoes to wear indoors (these can also be used in gym class).  Shoes with laces are discouraged as they are difficult for students to independently tie.  Shoes can remain in the student’s cubby overnight.

Important Dates
September 12th – Curriculum Night @ 5:00 pm
September 18th – School Photo Day
September26th – Terry Fox Run
October 11th – PA Day (No School)
October 14th – Thanksgiving (No School)

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