Monday 30 September 2013

October Newsletter

Our October Kindergarten newsletter was sent home today!  Here's our update for this month.

Inquiry Projects
Throughout September we were busy working on our “Not a Box” project.  Some students have created cars, computers, printers, fire trucks and puppet theatres.  This inquiry has led to our next project which will be our focus in October.  The students demonstrated interest in creating music from found objects.  This inquiry began with students using wooden blocks as drums, guitars and microphones.  We are extending their thinking by introducing recycled and found materials to create a “rock band”.

Dramatic Play
In Room 104, the students have demonstrated interest in making pizza and serving pizza to their teachers and friends.  This month we will transform our dramatic play area into a pizza kitchen!

In Room 129, the students have demonstrated interest in pet stores.  They are making homes for their animals and writing advertisements for puppies.  We will continue to explore this topic throughout October.

Important Dates
October 11th – PA Day (No School)
October 14th – Thanksgiving (No School)
October 30th – Photo Retakes
November 15th – PA Day (No School)
November 23rd – 50th Anniversary Celebration

Halloween Party
For students who celebrate Halloween, costumes are welcome on October 31st.  Costumes must not be longer than the child’s ankle to prevent tripping and face masks are not permitted.  Weapons that accompany costumes should be left at home.  Due to allergies and food restrictions we cannot accept ANY treats from home.  We will provide a special class treat for our class party. 

Before Halloween, we will explore and investigate pumpkins as part of the natural environment.  We will carve a Jack ‘o Lantern and explore the pumpkin’s insides.

Outdoor Classroom
We begin each day with outdoor play.  Your child must be dressed appropriately for the weather at 8:40am.  As the colder weather approaches send coats, hats, gloves or mittens. 

Morning Routine
Our morning routine consists of unpacking our backpacks and storing lunches in the lunch bin.  These routines are important for developing independence.  It is very important to be on time for school so that your child learns these routines.

~Roywood Kindergarten Team 

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