Wednesday 20 May 2015

Week of May 11 and May 19

Hello friends and family!

Last week we finished up learning about farms and farm animals. We had a blast at the farm the week before and learned a lot about different kinds of animals.

Ask your child about which one was their favourite! We learned about: pigs, goats, ponies, chickens, and sheep. Each student wrote about a farm animal of their choice.

We also focused on the word: that - That is my favourite book.

In school, we explored Canadian coins. Lots of our friends have been to the store with moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas. Most of us have seen them before. We learned about what the value of each coin is, their names and what they look like. We even got to "buy" our own things in our class groups.

We have also been learning position words. That means words that tell us where something or someone is.

Monday - we learned:
The green cube is on top. The yellow cube is in the middle and the blue cube is on the bottom.
Tuesday - we learned:  on, inside and outside
The rooster is on top. The horses are inside and the trees are outside of the barn. 
Wednesday - we learned: over, under, through and around
We went on a Shark hunt. We were stopped at this big gate (there were other things we had to get through before finding our shark). We couldn't go OVER the gate, we couldn't go UNDER the gate, we couldn't go AROUND the gate. We had to go THROUGH the gate. 
Thursday - we learned: behind, in front, beside

On Friday we had our mystery reader!
Surprise! It was Maria's mom. She read us a great book on pumpkin planting and Maria even helped her read it too.

For the next few weeks we will be working on our Author's day book. We are reading GROWING books. Yesterday we read: Pizza Pat.

We are continuing to work on letter sounds, putting letter sounds together to make words, numbers, addition and subtraction. 

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