Wednesday 22 April 2015

Happy Earth Day!

Every April 22 is Earth Day. It is celebrated around the world!

The last couple of weeks has been super busy with Earth Day related lessons and activities. We have been learning about Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. We have also talked about what goes in the garbage, the recycling bin and the green bin. Help your child by giving them opportunities to throw out trash at home! 

We have been watching our Fairy Gardens and plant predictions grow. 

Look at the shoots and leaves that have been growing! We also noticed that our seed in the dark cardboard box did not grow. Our seed in paper towel and leaves also did not grow. 

As a school, each class has painted a planter box and will be planting together. Our class was divided into 4 groups, one for each side of our planter. 

Our word of the week last week and this week is: here.

Here is my book.
I would like Christopher to come over here, please.

Please continue to work on letter SOUNDS.
As a reminder you can go to the following youtube video to help your child solidify their letter sounds in a fun way:

Also great is when you are reading ANYWHERE or ANYTHING...ask them what sound the word starts with. Help them sound out what letters they can hear in the word. For example, if you are eating a banana you could say the word out loud and emphasize each syllable. BA-NA-NA has 3 syllables. What letter sounds do you hear? Say it slowly. This will help your child with writing and reading!

As always, continue to read and feel free to ask questions any time!

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