Wednesday 15 October 2014

What have we been up to?

Learning centres are well on their way! Each morning we engage in a different learning centre. Here are some of the things we do:

Working on fine motor skills and counting skills.
Sorting and recognizing numbers.
Sensory: Writing letters and words in sand.
Working in a team to put together an alphabet puzzle.
Making the letter of the day: M.

With our worm inquiry out of the way...and a new season upon us we have been looking at the season of fall. We have noticed the abundance of leaves on the ground that have been blowing all over the place. We started collecting leaves and sticks for our discovery centre and sorting them! 

Playing with sticks and leaves in our discovery centre.
Ready to sort!
Our 2 sorters helping us figure out where the leaves go.

End product.
A few of our students said some leaves in the red pile looked
more purple so we moved them over. The class agreed. 
Finding a seed after reading a book about leaves. 

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