Wednesday 5 March 2014

March Newsletter

What’s happening in Kindergarten…
In math, we will continue to work on 2D shapes and 3D solids.  The students enjoyed experimenting with 3D solids and creating shadows on the overhead projector. 
After the break, we will begin our unit studying Canadian money.  We explore the name and value of various coins.

In language, we will continue to encourage the children to retell and relate events in sequence or the fact they have learned.  We will introduce puppets and props to retell familiar stories read aloud by the teaching team. 

Teacher Candidates
Both Kindergarten classes will be welcoming a Teacher Candidate from the Lakehead University teacher’s college at the end of the month.  The student teachers will be working with our students through the end of April.

Save the Date!
The Kindergarten classes will be performing at the school-wide Spring Concert in the afternoon on Friday, April 11th.  Newsletters will be sent home with the exact time closer to the date.

Scientists in Schools
We will enjoy our second Scientists in Schools presentation on April 8th.  This session’s topic will be water!  Parent volunteers are necessary to make this day a success!  Please let your classroom teacher know if you are available for the AM session (Room 104) or PM session (Room129). 

Science Event during March Break
Scientists in School will bring hands-on science to the Malvern Town Centre in Scarborough during National Engineering Month on Saturday, March 15.  They will have engineering activities to challenge kids and parents alike.  10:00am - 4:00pm.

Important Dates
March 7-14th – Spring Break *No School*
April 8th – Scientists in Schools Presentation
April 11th – Spring Concert
April 18th & 21st – Easter Holiday *No School*

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