Sunday 13 October 2013

Pizza Kitchen

Room 104 students expressed an interest in making pizza using sand and sand toys outside.  We transformed our drama centre into a pizza kitchen and incorporate math and literacy into their pretend, imaginative play.

Students took on the role of waitress or waiter and recorded numbers on order slips.

Chefs in the kitchen read the order slips and prepared pizza (white play dough with classroom manipulatives and craft supplies as "toppings").  We also had pre-made pizza (pizza toys)!

The delivery person!

Another chef hard at work.

Customers read the menu before ordering.

We celebrated the end of our "Pizza Kitchen" by making real pizza.  Students followed instructions in pictures and words to assemble their own mini pizza.

Pizza "dough" (english muffin) ready for sauce.

Cheese is next.

Ready for the oven!

Sadly there aren't any photos of us enjoying our pizza because we were all eating!

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