Tuesday 17 December 2013

A Few Reminders...

Thursday, December 19th @ 2:10 - Our students will be preforming at Poetry Cafe in the gym and inviting family members to our classroom to see their poetry work.
Parents are welcome to sign their child out after the presentation.

Friday, December 20th - First day of winter holiday, no school for students.
School resumes Monday, January 6th!  Have a wonderful winter vacation!

Arts and Science Fees are now due!  $20/child or $30/family.
Our students thoroughly enjoyed the Rumplestiltskin show at the beginning of December and will experiment with Scientists in the School December 18th.  
Please return your form and fee as soon as possible so our students can continue having these wonderful experiences!

Roywood's Parenting and Family Literacy Centre

The Kindergarten students had the pleasure of visiting the Parenting and Family Literacy Centre this week!  We explored their learning centres and enjoyed snack and circle with some new friends.  The PFLC is open daily from 8:15-12:15 for all children under 6 and their caregivers!  That means Mom, Dad, Grandparents or Babysitters can drop in at any time for fun, learning, socialization and preparing your youngster for Kindergarten.  The program is 100% FREE and everyone is welcome!  We hope to see many more younger siblings there next time we visit!

**Please note:
-the PFLC will be open Dec 20th when there is no school for Kindergarten students
-the PFLC will be closed Dec. 21 - Jan. 5 for the school's winter holiday.

Monday 2 December 2013


We're beginning a new unit on structures.  Today we introduced cups as a new material for building with!

Monday 25 November 2013

The Button Box and Attributes

We enjoyed reading "The Button Box" and creating our own button collection in a special box.  Using our buttons we learned about attributes and different ways of sorting our buttons using our knowledge of attributes.

Firefighter Denise

We had a special guest into Roywood this morning!  Fire fighter Denise came to visit us and brought along her friend Sparky the Fire Dog to talk about safety.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Food Basics Visit

We will be walking to Food Basics on Thursday morning.  We will be shopping for ingredients to make a special snack for Friday.  Your child needs to be dressed for the weather that day, nothing else is required for the trip!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Meet Sally

This is Sally.

She's become the class pet in Room 104.  Everyone loves to play with Sally and she often joins the children at different activities.  Some students take special care to give her a bath and feed her on a regular basis.

If you hear stories about Sally at home, now you know who we're talking about!

Monday 18 November 2013

Light, shadow and letters

We experimented with a new way to make words today!

We look forward to seeing where the children's curiosity takes us with the overhead projector!

Roywood's 50th Anniversary!

We are celebrating Roywood's 50th Anniversary this Saturday, the 23rd of November.

Drop in between 11am ~ 2pm to see photos of Roywood through the years, catch up with former teachers and reconnect with alumni.

Hope to see you there!

Friday 15 November 2013

More math in action

Here are some photos of another math activity the students enjoy: domino trains!  This game practices counting skills and recognizing a small group without counting.  And its fun to see how long we can make our trains!

Patterns, patterns everywhere!

We've wrapped up our unit on patterning but here are a few quick shots of some pattern-makers in action!

Please forgive the decreasing quality of our photographs and brief quiet period!  We've had some technology set backs (and breakdowns!) but things should be back to normal now!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Public Library Visit

We will be walking to Brooksbank Public Library on Friday, October 25th in the morning.  Students will need to be dressed for the weather that morning.  We will bring our morning snack to be enjoyed at the library and return to school for our usual lunch routine.  Should be an exciting morning!  You can prepare your child by visiting Brookbanks between now and then and signing up for a library card!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Fall Walk

Today we toured our school yard in search of signs of fall!

Here's a peek at what made its way into our buckets!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Here's a hint about our next inquiry topic....

Can you guess what we'll be investigating next in Kindergarten???

All of these leaves were collected by our students during morning outdoor time in our playground!  Imagine what we'll find when we explore the big field!

Many curious students!

Pizza Kitchen

Room 104 students expressed an interest in making pizza using sand and sand toys outside.  We transformed our drama centre into a pizza kitchen and incorporate math and literacy into their pretend, imaginative play.

Students took on the role of waitress or waiter and recorded numbers on order slips.

Chefs in the kitchen read the order slips and prepared pizza (white play dough with classroom manipulatives and craft supplies as "toppings").  We also had pre-made pizza (pizza toys)!

The delivery person!

Another chef hard at work.

Customers read the menu before ordering.

We celebrated the end of our "Pizza Kitchen" by making real pizza.  Students followed instructions in pictures and words to assemble their own mini pizza.

Pizza "dough" (english muffin) ready for sauce.

Cheese is next.

Ready for the oven!

Sadly there aren't any photos of us enjoying our pizza because we were all eating!