Friday 27 February 2015

3D Shapes

We build something with blocks. We build a castle and we build a rocketship. 

We are sorting 2D shapes and 3D shapes.

We are making a picture with circles, rectangles, triangles (2D shapes). 

We made a police station. There is a police officer, a birthday girl and 2 moms. Tigger is a bad guy. 

Maria and Jeremiah were building a tall tower together.

We are using the straw and pipe cleaners to build 3D shapes and 2D shapes. 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Word of the Week

This week our word is: said.
"Zohair said he wants to play at the block centre."

We continued to work on he and she last week.

Reading and Writing
At school we have been working on reading books with patterns. Pattern books have words that repeat. We learned to look at the picture and the first letter to help us read words we don't know. We are learning that a sentence starts with a CAPITAL letter and ends with a period (.) or exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?). Most of our seniors are learning to write using spaces between words as well.

The giraffe is tall.
The tree is tall.
The snowman is tall.


Shape Shapes Shapes

Shapes are fun!
Kindergarteners already have lots of experience with shapes. Shapes are everywhere! The last 2 weeks we have been exploring some 2Dimensional shapes. 2D shapes are FLAT. We have learned about how many sides and corners shapes have and that we can use smaller shapes to make big ones. Our kindies have also explored different pictures and designs they can make with pattern blocks. Here are some of our explorations. 
Challenge: Can you fill a triangle with other shapes? What shapes did you use? They were not allowed to leave any white spaces or go over the lines.

Challenge 2: How many different ways can you fill a hexagon? Seniors and Juniors worked together on this one.

Students from different groups showed the class their own way of making a hexagon.
At one of our stations we played on the light table. Using squares and triangles we explored different ways of building things.

More next week when we introduce 3Dimensional (3D) shapes.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Our Trip to the Science Centre

The Kindergarten classes took a trip to the Ontario Science Centre on Tuesday. The experience from riding the big yellow school bus to our Science Investigators workshop and back to our school at Roywood was exhilarating! We saw so many things, touched so many things and learned so many things. 

Thank you to our great parent volunteers that made this trip run smoothly. 

Here's a snippet of some of the things we did. 

When we walked in through the big hallway to the main hall of the Science centre we saw so many big old rocks. It was great to be able to touch them. 

 One of the highlights of our day was riding the escalator. We learned how to hold on to the railing and step on to the moving steps. It was scary for some of us but eventually we got used to it!

Lights on the floor! We chased the snowflakes on the ground and jumped onto the "pond", trying to catch the fish. 

The first giant room we entered was the Innovation Centre. Seeing and making things work in this room really riled up the excitement. 

Into the rain forest we go! The little rain forest area was hot and humid. We saw different kinds of poisonous frogs. Yellow ones and blue ones. We really liked the waterfall and crossing the bridge. 

 Running through the bat cave!!! It was dark and spooky. Some of us made scary noises as it echoed through the cave. Some of us faced our fears and even went in without holding a hand. 

A tornado!!! Someone said it looked like steam. 

Watching sound vibrations. Clap as hard as you can! Let's see how fast we can make it move.

Meeting our Scientist. 

Exploring with magnifying glasses. 

 What colours can you see in the carpet?

Looking at our fingerprints up close. 

Looking at the fabric on our clothes up close.

Shoe prints!! We needed to find out who's shoe prints matched the ones that were found in the rain forest. 

Using UV light to see frog footprints. 

Who's clothes have the frog footprints?? We used a special UV light to see the prints on the different cloth samples.

 Checking out the soil samples found. We were looking for leaves. In the end, we found the person who stole the frog! He confessed to taking the frog and returned it because he knew what he did was wrong.

Exploring the KidsPark. 

Wow! We had such a great time !!