Tuesday 25 November 2014

New Inquiries

It has been a while since an inquiry has taken off in our class. This week we took off on some of our students' big blocks creation: a ship! Here's what happened:

Putting the treasure box together with some tape.
Finding materials to add to our treasure box and ship.

Putting the sail together.

Showing our friend what we could add to our ship from the book.

Adding details to the side of our ship to add the rope.

Things we thought should go into the treasure box: tools and pom poms.

Our friends playing on our new ship.

The captain talking to his shipmates. 

Treasure box is on board.

New grocery store in the dramatic play area! Take a look at our hard working cashier and shoppers. Thank you to all the families for donating all of your recyclables. 

The shopping cart is filled! Time to pay!

Paying for our items at the cashier.

Learning to make a list: making a list of our friends. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Winter Weather is Here!

The winter weather is here! 

Lots of students are coming to school with hats, mittens, snowpants and boots! We are happy to see you dressing warmly. Please remember that we will be going outside most days unless it is extremely cold out. 

Here's a look at our class on the first snowy school day.

Making snowballs and...smelling them. What did they smell like? 

Gathering snow into a pile.

Look! I made this myself.

Making a snowman with Ms. Elmira.

Somehow our little girls made this gigantic snowball. 

Friday 7 November 2014

Scientists In the School!

On Thursday, a scientist visited our class to explore our 5 senses. Thank you to all of our volunteers who came out to help us! It was a pleasure having you and we couldn't have done it without you!!

Look at some of the things we did.

Mr Potato head teaches us what the 5 senses are: Hearing, Sight, Smell, Touch and Taste 

2 of our moms at the Hearing Station. What's inside this box?

Another mom teaching our students about smell. What are all those smells?

Students exploring sight by looking through a small hole with a flashlight. What's do we see? 

What do these different liquids taste like? Are they sweet? Bitter? Sour?